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Inspire project
Inspire project


How did interesting people get to where they are today? Find out in #1kWith. In 1,000 seconds we ask fascinating people from across health and care about three moments in their life and career that brought them to where they are today.


We spoke to a range of people from across the health and care world.

Watch and listen to all our #1kWith conversations.


Health and care is stocked full of the most amazing people from a vast array of different backgrounds. Name another sector that brings together scientists, politicians, academics, those who give care, those who need care, writers and many many more. Add in the emotional context of life, death and everything in between, and we have the fortune in health and care of working with some of the most remarkable people you will find anywhere.

At Kaleidoscope we are obsessed by how such different people can work most constructively together. We think a lot of this is about understanding where people came from, and the experiences, stories, and motivations that made them who they are.

That’s what #1kWith is all about.


Asking interesting people to tell us their life story could, well, go on a bit. That’s why each interview is limited to 1,000 seconds (just about), and structured by asking our guests to pick just three particularly prominent moments from their life and career. We also throw in a few lucky dip questions of our own. Look out for ‘Would you rather be the Queen or the Secretary of State for Health?’ and ‘What are you interested in that no-one else is?’ among others.

Inspire project

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