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Natalie Berry

Natalie leads the development of engaging and purpose-led events at Kaleidoscope.

She joined us after a decade and a half leading health policy and strategy teams at the Department of Health and Social Care. Her leadership roles there spanned some of the most high-profile and complex areas of health and social care policy: NHS estates strategy; health and social care integration; housing and local devolution; primary care; NHS reform; the Darzi review; and workforce policy.

She has extensive experience working with ministers and senior NHS leaders, including serving as private secretary to the Secretary of State for Health. Natalie is particularly skilled in building effective collaborations across partners and is passionate about developing high performing teams.

Natalie holds a MSc in Health Policy from Imperial. She also undertook a secondment to the Health Foundation, where she led and published research on a variety of health policy issues, such as the use of performance targets in the NHS, and the pros and cons of international comparisons of health systems.

Natalie is married with two young children and they all enjoy spending time walking in the countryside. In her spare time, Natalie volunteers as an infant feeding peer supporter.


Contact Natalie